Special K Bars (a.k.a. Scotcheroo's)
I always grew up calling them Special K bars, and we would use special K cereal to make it. TJ always grew up calling them Scotcheroo's and using rice crispies to make them. So I usually make them with Rice Crispies now, just for TJ. (insert your oooo's and ahhhh's here)
However, today I decided to use Special K, just because we actually had some in the house. This is my staple family get together food dish to bring. Everyone knows I'm going to bring them and expects me to. If I went to a family get together and didn't bring them, they would probably make me go home. heehee I always bring 2 pans too! There's a lot of us, and we like our sweets! :) I'm talking about the extended family get togethers like cousins, aunts, uncles etc.... We do it atleast 2 times a year, January for our "Christmas" and September for Labor Day weekend camping! Fun times. :)
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup white corn syrup
1 cup brown sugar
6 cups rice crispies
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
1/2 cup butterscotch chips
(note: when I do Special K, I usually use a little more than 6 cups)
Put the first 3 ingredients in a bowl and put in the microwave for 2 minutes. It makes it easier to stir together when it's soft. Mix it in with the cereal. Mix well until all cereal is coated and press into the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Melt the chocolate and butterscotch chips together for the top and let sit to harden the chocolate. Enjoy!
Another side note...We used to make this recipe with white sugar and I switched to brown sugar. Tastes much better. :)
Sometimes I make them with Cheerios......do you think I can lower my cholesterol by doing that??? ;)
It was not at all silly to post this. Here is a story for you. We got some HyVee brand rice crispie cereal on sale for $1.00 last weekend and the kids wanted to make rice crispies. We almost never make them and I don't think they had ever had them. I remembered you had a recipe so I went to your blog and looked under desserts. Tonight, as our family ate them, my husband told me they are his favorite dessert. In eleven years of marriage I never knew they were his favorite, he has never once requested them. They were a hit! Thanks for sharing. I will add it to my recipe book if that is ok with you. Thanks!
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