Sunday, January 31, 2010


TJ and I watched the movie Julie & Julia. It was pretty good. Like always there's some language that could have been left out. Anyway...the next week I looked up a couple new recipes. Mainly to find something I could make with the ingredients I already had around the house, and because, you know how it is, you get in a rut with the same old things. So last night I got out a couple cookbooks and found things that looked good, or quick and easy. I started highlighting them, and thought I should make more new recipes so I can add more things to my cookbook. So that's what I decided to do. Then I thought to myself...this is a little like the movie. It must have inspired me more then I even knew myself. So anyway, that is what I'm going to do. I'm going to start making lots of new recipes. I'm not going to be quite as crazy as the movie, I'm not going to make a new recipe every day or anything, but maybe a couple new recipes a week. And if I like it enough, I'll share the recipe with you all! I know how hard it is to branch out and find new recipes, and I've tried the whole recipe exchange thing and very few responded. So I figure I have to do things on my own. But I also figure why go to the hard work and not share it...

So here's the first new recipe I tried a couple days ago... pretty simple, and we all liked it so, give it a try if you want. I give it 10 out of 10 for quick and easy, and maybe a 9 out of 10 for taste. :)

Sicilian Sausage Rotini

1 lb of Turkey Sausage (fried like hamburger)
1 jar spaghetti sauce
green pepper
rotini noodles, cooked and drained
2 cups mozzarella cheese

Fry sausage, cook in a 9x13 pan at 350 degrees with green pepper for 10 minutes. Add cooked noodles and sauce and mix together in pan. Top with cheese bake for 20-25 minutes more or until cheese is golden.

We all enjoyed it, hope you do too. :)


Beth said...

I soo need to find new recipes. I will look forward to hearing yours!

Stephanie Wright said...

Yay! I'm glad I can help you out. There will be many more recipes to follow. So keep checking back.

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