Monday, December 14, 2009

Good People

There are still good people around, and thank God for them!

We have been out one car for over a week. But for the first few days Mike and Kristine let us use their car. They were gracious enough to give up one of their vehicles for 6 days to let us use it, and so I could have a way to get around while TJ was at work.
Plus they came to our rescue while we were stuck on the side of the interstate! What would we have done without you guys?! Thanks for your giving spirit. We are blessed to have you as friends.

Today we were invited to a Play Date with some of the MOPS mom's. I said I couldn't make it because I didn't have a vehicle, but someone came all across town to pick us up so we could go to the play date. We had a good time, and I feel truly blessed by their giving spirit. She's also coming to pick us up tomorrow for MOPS otherwise we wouldn't be able to go to that! So again, and in advance, thanks for getting ready a little bit earlier to stop over this way and pick up the boys and I.

May God Bless you all for your kindness to us!


Gampa and Gamma said...

Am glad to hear people are helping you out. When do you get your vehicle back?

Stephanie Wright said...

Hopefully before the weekend! Or we may not be able to come.

Gampa and Gamma said...

You guys better come!!!!

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