Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stephanie's Birthday

Right now I'm getting Stephanie's birthday stuff ready for her. Today is her birthday!! I went and got her a "birthday pie" from Perkins. I got her favorite, a Lemon Meringue pie. I also got some of her favorite pop that she doesn't get to have very often, Vernors. They sell it at the Cash-Wise grocery store in town. I also had flowers sent to her work this morning and I got her a new cartridge for her Cricut scrapbooking machine. Not exactly sure what we are going to do tonight. We might go eat at one of Stephanie's favorite restaurants, Boston's, in Faribault. We'll see. We are taking the night off from Awana. I think it's so much more fun celebrating someone else's birthday rather than your own. And I don't think it has anything to do with being down on your own birthday cause your getting older. It's just more fun to give to someone else.

I love you Stephanie. Happy Birthday!!
As a special treat, I've included this exciting YouTube video that has nothing to do with Stephanie's birthday or anyone's birthday or anything for that matter.



RCW said...

Happy Birthday Stephanie!!! Have TJ take you to Candy Mountain. Just keep an eye on your kidney!
Hope you have (or had) a really good day

Will Mitchell said...

Happy (late) birthday Stephanie! I am so ashamed that I forgot but to make up for it I have gotten you a new pet. It's a Leopluradon! It will show you the way to Candy Mountain!!!

RCW said...

I could use some Vernors too. I have to agree with Stephanie I think Vernors is right up there with Mountain Dew.

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