Friday, November 1, 2013

Thankful Tree Craft

I bought this big roll of paper at IKEA, and we have found numerous things to do with it.  It is great!

Given the season we are thinking about Thanksgiving and all the things we can and should be thankful for.  So why not write some of those things down for others to see?!

Thankful Tree

Items you will need to make a similar Thankful Tree Craft.
Large Sheet of paper
Colorful paper
paint brush

Cut as large of a sheet of paper as you would like to make your tree.  Draw a tree with pencil, and paint it brown.  We added water to a little paint to make it more like water coloring.  While that is drying cut out some leaf shapes.  All different colors.  Next write down the things you are thankful for on them.   Glue them to your tree and display it for all to see!


Happy Crafting!


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